“We may stumble and fall but shall rise again; it should be enough if we did not run away from the battle.”
Mahatma Gandhi


ROE Officers :
Varn (VarnHred#2681)
Elevated (Elevated#0790)

[FIRE] will abide by its own RoE which will be detailed below. This is not meant to be a server
RoE. We are adopting an alliance based RoE and ask individual alliances to honor it. In return,
We will honor individual alliance RoEs representative of their membership’s desires in how they
as a group would like to play the game.

1.) Origins space (Territory) owned by another alliance shall be considered “No Fly” zones,
meaning none but allied or invited guests shall enter. The following are the only exceptions:
i.) Scopely events requiring entry into Territory for PVP or PVE purposes
ii.) Territory Takeovers
Any non-Allied player entering FIRE territory outside of the above exceptions shall be in
violation of this RoE.

2.) We will not attack miners on node that are UPC. UPC = Under Protected Cargo. “No loot?
Don’t shoot.” The following are the only exceptions:
i.) Scopely events requiring miners to be hit on nodes UPC
ii.) Territory Takeovers
iii.) Invitations by allies to clear Zero-Nodes within their specific territory.
iv.) Zero-Node miners, for which the attacker must supply screenshot evidence when
requested or be in violation of this RoE.

3.) All Token Space is PVE only. The following are the only exceptions:
i.) Scopely events requiring PVP within Token space.

4.) All Swarm Space is PVE only. The following are the only exceptions:
i.) Scopely events requiring PVP within Swarm space.

5.) All Eclipse Space is PVE only (Eclipse space being a star system in which Eclipse armadas
are held). The following are the only exceptions:
i.) Scopely events requiring PVP within Eclipse space.

6.) We will not attack anyone in an Armada circle. The following are the only exceptions:
i.) Scopely events requiring PVP within specified systems.
ii.) Territory Takeovers

7.) FIRE reserves the right to place violators of the above RoE on an internal “Kill on Sight”
listing without prior announcement or warning, either publicly or privately. In addition, there could
be a declaration of War made against the offending alliance. Affected players seeking removal
from the FIRE KOS listing may contact alliance leadership, specifically the RoE officer or one of
the commodores.

8.) A declaration of War nullifies the above RoE.
9.) Mistakes happen. They do not have to result in a diplomatic incident. Contact FIRE
leadership, specifically the RoE officer or one of the commodores or the admiral, if this is the

ROE Officers :
Varn (VarnHred#2681)
Elevated (Elevated#0790)